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Institutional Review Board

Human Subjects Research Training and Certification

As part of preparing an application for IRB review, Principal Investigators (PI) must complete training on ethical research practices.

MICA uses the vendor CITI for this training. After the completion of the course, you will receive a certificate valid for three years. Please retain a copy for your records, you will be asked to provide it as part of your IRB application.

Human Subjects Research Training Instructions:

To register for the course select "View Courses"  on the Main Menu / Institutional Courses page. This appears under the heading "Institutional Courses" to the right of Maryland Institute College of Art in the list of affiliated institutions. At the bottom of this next page under the heading Learner Tools for Maryland Institute College of Art select "Add a Course".

You have now navigated to the Select Curriculum page. Here, scroll down to Question 1: Human Subjects Research and select "Social-Behavioral-Educational Researchers". After making this selection, scroll down and click "Submit". You will now be enrolled in the course and will be taken to a page where you can select to begin the modules.

Note: the CITI course is made up of 12 modules requiring approximately 3 hours of cumulative time to complete. You will be quizzed after the completion of each module. An average score of 80% is required to receive certification.

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