We are pleased to welcome you to our summer housing program for undergraduate and graduate students.

MICA Residence Life will offer undergraduate and graduate students summer housing. Summer housing begins on May 24 and runs until August 1.

If you currently live on campus and have been accepted into summer housing, you can remain in your current room assignment until the week of May 20, at which time you will switch to your summer room assignment.  More information will be sent to summer applicants as details of your new assignment become available along with move in dates and times.  All students must move out by August 1 at noon.

To see a list of courses offered over the summer, please visit Open Studies. For information about internships please visit the Joseph Meyerhoff Center for Career Development or call 410-225-2420 to set up an appointment and begin your internship search.

Housing Costs

Housing charges will be rated on a weekly basis. Each applicant who is assigned will be charged a non-refundable summer housing deposit of $250. The housing charge is $190 per week or any part thereof. The week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. Summer housing is only available from May 24 until August 1, 2019. Summer assignments will be emailed to all applicants the week of  May 6.

Applicants who withdraw from summer housing after noon on Monday, April 29, 2019, will be charged the $250 non-refundable deposit. If you are assigned summer housing and do not show up for your assigned space you will be charged the $250 non-refundable summer housing deposit.

Apply Now!

There are limited spaces available. We will be offering housing on a first-come, first-served basis, determined by the date we receive your summer housing application. The application for Summer Housing must be completed and submitted online via the link below. If you are assigned summer housing and do not show up for your assigned space you will be charged the $250 non-refundable summer housing deposit.

All summer housing applications are due by Monday, April 29, 2019, at noon.

Please Note: Summer housing will take place in Meyerhoff.  If you require specific accommodations please email residnecelife@mica.edu

Summer Housing Application

If you have any questions or concerns you can contact MICA Residence Life by emailing residencelife@mica.edu, calling 410-225-2398, or dropping by the office located upstairs in Latrobe house during normal business hours.