Each year funds are generated from ticket sales of the yearly benefit fashion show sponsored by the Center for Identity and Inclusion. Profits from the fashion show benefit student participants in the Center for Identity and Inclusion.


A Diversity Grant is available for students who have actively participated in CII programs.

Scholarships Available

Active participants in the Center for Identity and Inclusion student programs, committees, institutes, etc may apply for monetary assistance for:

  1. Mobility Programs (domestic & international)* (Students must have applied and been admitted to the program.)
  2. Summer study abroad programs* (Student must have applied and been admitted to the program)
  3. Internships
  4. Independent Study
  5. Hardship (situations vary, however, the diversity grant does not cover the cost of rent or utilities)
  6. Senior Thesis

*The amount of the scholarship generally does not cover the entire amount for any program of study. Financial assistance for the program(s) varies from year to year based on student(s) request and is not funded annually for any specific program. Recipients are eligible for funds twice, and only once per academic year.

Grants vary in amount and are awarded to students after the fashion show held at the end of April for that year's summer programs or subsequent semesters by the following methods:

  1. Transfer of funds to the specified department if the student is participating in a specific program at the Maryland Institute College of Art.
  2. Check requests are submitted on the student's behalf by the Center for Identity and Inclusion (indicating what the funds are to be used for) signed by the Assistant Dean and Associate Dean for Student Development.

The Amount for Scholarships is Determined by:

  1. Amount of funds available from the yearly fashion show after expenses.
  2. Amount and number of requests by students that are active participants within the Center for Identity and Inclusion.
  3. All students who are active with the programming of the Center for Identity and Inclusion are eligible, with emphasis on students of color.

Apply for the diversity grant here.


Get in touch.

Center for Identity and Inclusion


Fox Building 1305 W Mt Royal Ave Room 110 Baltimore, MD 21217