iLead Positions

Student Space Gallery Jury Member

General Purpose

The Student Space Gallery (SSG) program is curated by a committee of MICA undergraduate jurors who work as a team to provide undergraduate students with an opportunity to exhibit their artwork on campus. The Student Space Gallery Jury selection process is highly competitive and focuses on having broad representation from the different disciplines at MICA. 

Summary of Essential Functions

  • Anonymously review all Student Space Gallery applications for Spring and Fall exhibitions.
  • Work collaboratively with other jurors to select artists for each exhibition cycle.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

Successful applicants must be able to critically evaluate a diverse body of artwork, have a general knowledge of exhibition installation practices, and remain open-minded and able to effectively collaborate with their Jury team.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience working in a small group. 

Conditions of Employment

  • Attend SSG Jury Training (typically in mid-September)
  • Attend Spring Exhibition Selection Meeting (typically the first Saturday in October)
  • Attend Fall Exhibition Selection Meeting (typically the first Saturday in April)


This position is voluntary, but offers valuable professional development for participants. Additionally, meals (breakfast and lunch) are provided during SSG Selection Meetings.

Hiring Timeline

  • Apply here: 
  • Priority deadline for applications is March 4, 2020 at 4PM, but will remain open until filled.
  • Interviews will be held March 9-13, 2020

Please contact with any questions.