iLead Positions

Student Voice Association (SVA) Officer

General Purpose

This officer position is responsible for advocating for the interests and needs of the student community at MICA.

Summary of Essential Functions

  •  The Student Voice Association (SVA) officers serve a 1 year commitment, beginning in late August and ending in early May. 
  • There are a total of 12 SVA Officers every year who are expected to work together as a cohesive advocacy council. 
  • The time commitment ranges from 3-6 hours per month.

Essential Duties & Responsibilities

  •  Advocate for the general student body. 
  •  Attend monthly SVA council meetings as well as monthly prep meetings (prior to council meeting). 
  •  Regularly post online about upcoming issues, meeting minutes, and other relevant information. 
  •  Participate in SVA retreats and trainings. 
  •  Maintain open and regular communication with the staff advisor. 
  •  Maintain a level of professionalism, including confidentiality of sensitive information. 
  •  Adhere to MICA policies and serve as a role model for the MICA community.

Specific Officer Responsibilities 

Undergraduate Student Council 

I. SVA Undergraduate Student Body President 

  • a. Represent undergraduate student body at campus events.
  • b. Maintain communication between the undergraduate officers, staff advisors, and the Vice President of Student Affairs.
  • c. Work towards agreed-upon goals from the SVA Undergraduate Officers Retreat.
  • d. Coordinate UG Town Hall Meetings, campus-wide forums, and ad-hoc meetings.
  • e. Coordinate UG Cabinet meetings.
  • f. Attend monthly Undergraduate Academic Affairs and Student Life Council meetings.
  • g. Serve as the student representative on the Board of Trustees.
  • h. Manage the SVA email account and respond to emails within a week.
  • i. Develop campaigns to increase awareness of the role of SVA on campus and promote meeting attendance.

II. Marketing Director 

  • a. Create flyers for SVA meetings and events.
  • b. Publicize SVA via social media (i.e. Instagram, Facebook).
  • c. Design (and maintain) a “cheat sheet” about key MICA administrators that explains who to contact about what issues.

III. Vice President (UG Academic Affairs/ UG Student Life) 

  • a. Set the agenda for Council meetings following consultation with the SVA officers & advisor.
  • b. Invite guests to Council meetings based on the agenda.
  • c. Call meeting to order and conduct the business of the agenda.
  • d. Manage food logistics for meetings.

IV. Membership Chair (UG Academic Affairs/ UG Student Life) 

  • a. Manage sign-in sheet and record attendance of representatives at each meeting in database.
  • b. Maintain an accurate list of representatives for their council.
  • c. Recruit new members/representatives.
  • d. Reach out to existing members to follow up on their needs, issues, concerns, etc.
  • e. Oversee committees and/or sub-committees that form within the council.

V. Secretary (UG Academic Affairs/ UG Student Life) 

  • a. Record the proceedings of SVA meetings and distribute the minutes of each meeting through the SVA website and Facebook group. 
  • b. Send email reminders to representatives about upcoming meetings.
  • c. Print agendas and prepare presentations as needed. 

Graduate Student Council

  • I. Set the agenda for council meetings following consultation with the officers and advisor.
  • II. Call meeting to order and conduct the business of the agenda.
  • III. Create meeting minutes of SVA meetings, notify advisor once they are finalized, and distribute the minutes to graduate student community.
  • IV. Send email reminders to representatives about upcoming meetings. 
  • V. Invite guests to council meetings for reports, as needed for information pertaining to SVA business.
  • VI. Oversee any committees or sub-committees that form within the council.
  • VII. Assist with meeting setup.
  • VIII. Maintain an accurate list of representatives for their council. 
  • X. Record attendance of representatives at each meeting. 

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

  •  Skills: Leadership and organizing, time management, organization 
  •  Ability (and desire) to work with other students. 

Minimum Qualifications

 Good disciplinary and academic standing, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25. 

Conditions of Employment

 Conditions: Background Check 


SVA Officers are paid $300 per semester ($600 total for the academic year). 


For more information, please contact