Student Involvement and Leadership

MICA Leadership Awards Nomination Process

Guidelines for Nomination

  1. Identify students who you see as leaders on campus.  Ensure their eligibility for the awards by reviewing the description of each award before you nominate.
  2. Nominate the student through the forms listed below. Incomplete nomination forms will not be considered by the selection committee.
  3. Submit your nominations by the nomination due date. 

Suggestions for who to nomination

  • Think about your friends who are you see doing awesome things on campus through their leadership roles!
  • Discuss the nomination process at your next departmental meeting and select the students who you feel are deserving of a nomination. 
  • Discuss new student leaders from your department that might be eligible for the Emerging Leader award and nominate one to two outstanding students.
  • Discuss graduating students from your department that might be eligible for the Sidney Lake Award and Alumni Award for Student Leadership and nominate one to two outstanding graduating students.

Please complete the nomination form(s) found on this website. All nominated students will automatically be invited to the event.  

Please contact the Center for Student Engagement at 410-225-2284 or if you have any additional questions.  Thank you for your dedication to student leadership at MICA!