Student Organizations

Service/Social Action

March For Our Lives (MICA Chapter)

Our purpose and goals for this organization are promoting gun violence prevention through initiatives on-campus with healthy relationships, domestic violence prevention, and awareness about advocacy and intersectional activism for the general Baltimore community. In Baltimore specifically, black and brown people face most gun violence. However, there are also many activists in the area who promote gun control. We want to support their activism actively while also raising awareness at MICA.

MICA Organizers + Activists (MOA)

Our mission is to promote civic engagement and social action across campus. We focus on progressive goals at the local and national level.

Students of Sustainability

Students of Sustainability's mission is to bring awareness and help the community and MICA be a sustainable and eco-friendly environment. The club organizes programs on campus to encourage individual and community-wide earth-friendly practices.

Get in touch.

Student Activities Office


Meyerhoff House 140 W. Lafayette Ave. First Floor Baltimore, MD 21217
