First Generation Students

Campus Support Resources

If you are concerned about financial worries, health problems in your family, being away from home, or helping your parents understand life at MICA, please know there are several support options within the MICA community to assist you during this time.

Here at MICA we want all students to know that they are a vital part of the community with much to contribute as artists and individuals. Our hope is that all students have positive experiences that will support them in the creation of their work. However, we understand that sometimes things happen that may make adjusting to college a stressful transition impacting academics, health, and wellness.

Center for Identity and Inclusion (CII)

CII is based on a philosophy of inclusion and fostering recognition and respect for the voices of all students:

  • issues regarding culture, class, race, gender, sexuality, identity, religion and more

  • safe spaces for me to bring my issues, address my concerns, and obtain direction, information, referrals and mentoring

  • history months, exhibitions, performances, and workshops that explore personal and cultural identity

  • joining an identity based student organization

Fox Building - 110

Phone: 443-552-1659


The Assistant Director of Transitions

Working as part of the Center for Student Engagement, the Assistant Director of Transitions is responsible, not only for planning Orientation days, but also assisting students once they arrive on campus. At MICA it is important to us that students feel part of the community. 

  • Works with students new to the MICA community 

  • Helps students make connections across MICA's campus.

  • Provides resources to help students make the most of their MICA experience

Meyerhoff House - 1st Floor

Phone: (410) 225-2284


Student Development Specialist

If you have questions about general life at MICA, accessing resources, or student life (not covered in this page), please contact the Student Development Specialist, who works with students experiencing a variety of personal needs, and can provide referrals to on-campus and off-campus services. The Student Development Specialist can:

  • Communicate and coordinate with faculty when a student is struggling

  • Assist students with medical withdraws or leave of absence

  • Provide both on and off campus referrals

  • Serve as a starting place when students aren’t sure what resources they need

Bunting Building – 260

Phone: 410-225-2422


Campus Safety

The safety of all students, faculty and staff is a commitment MICA Campus Safety makes to the community by providing officers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Campus Safety officers patrol campus, and are stationed at the entrances of most MICA buildings. In addition to building and campus patrols, they:

  • Send out MICA Alerts via text message

  • Respond to incidents on and around campus

  • Provide resources to report crime and suspicious behavior. 

  • Offer access to Rave Guardian - a cellphone based panic button app.