Fiber (Major)

Annet Couwenberg

My inimitable curiosity has enabled me to pursue ongoing conversations between traditional craft production and digital technology.

From my early work in fashion, to creating sculptures and to working with fish fossils and skeletons inspired by my study with a fish scientist as a Smithsonian Fellow, I am intrigued by working in interdisciplinary ways and in new realms without losing touch with my textile background. My goal as an artist and instructor, through research of traditional textiles and emerging techniques is, to create a multi-directional exchange of knowledge.

Born in The Netherlands, I moved to the United States to pursue MFA degrees at Syracuse University and Cranbrook Academy of Art. I have worked internationally including in Korea, Turkey, Germany, and The Netherlands with one-person shows at the Textiel Museum in The Netherlands (NL), the Baltimore Museum of Art, the Delaware Center for Contemporary Arts, Center for the Arts, Design and Visual Culture, Baltimore, MD, the American Textile History Museum, Lowell, MA and the City Gallery, Atlanta, GA. Group exhibitions include shows at the Museum of Art and Design in NYC; Gyeonggi MoMa and HOMA in Seoul; the Contemporary Museum, Baltimore, MD; the Decorative Arts Museum, Little Rock, AK. I have received individual artist awards from the Maryland and Ohio State Art Councils. A monograph of her work has been published by Telos Art Publishing. Couwenberg’s work has been reviewed by and featured in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, Le Monde, National Academy of Science Magazine, BMoreArt, the Baltimore Sun, Sculpture Magazine, Fiberarts, Surface Design, Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture. My work is in permanent collections of Baltimore Museum of Art; Nederlands Textielmuseum, NL; Museum de Kantfabriek, NL; Gyeonggi Creation Center, Korea; Jinnam Art and Culture Center, Korea; and numerous private collections.