Fiber (Major)

Susie Brandt

During the Reagan/Clinton years I took up making and exhibiting art.

Starting in community college, then studying abroad, at Lake Placid School of Art, Philadelphia College of Art and finally at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. I ended up with a Master of Fine Arts degree.

I have exhibited widely – throughout the US and sometimes overseas. Recent solo exhibitions include Paradise at Grizzly Grizzly Gallery in Philadelphia and Value Added at The International Fiber Art Fair in Seoul, Korea.

I’ve been honored with awards from organizations such as Maryland State Arts Council and Creative Capital.

Also, I’ve curated and co-curated exhibitions of others work including Warren Seelig, Lenore Tawney, Sandra Brownlee, and Rowland Ricketts.

Though I mostly work solo, I sometimes collaborate with other artists. In fact, during much of the 90’s, I made large scale installation projects with my artist/sister, Betsy Brandt.

Always on the lookout for inspiration, I’m constantly mining dreams and thrift stores or rooting through collections of historic objects, in house museums, google images, dumpsters.

The work is mostly conceived through the lens of textile. It recasts materials, possibly hacking a tool or two – aiming to discover something ineffable that may prove useful.

Teaching at MICA allows me the opportunity to help launch generations of imaginative young artists into their own lives of discovery through making.