Majors & Minors (Undergraduate)

Filmmaking (Concentration)

Get professional development and real-world experience in MICA’s new concentration in Filmmaking.

MICA's concentration in Filmmaking is offered in partnership with Johns Hopkins University (JHU)’s Film and Media Studies program, trains students in the filmmaking process—from pre- to post-production on professional, collaboratively- made documentaries and narrative films.

Filmmaking requires broad and varied knowledge, and this uniquely enriching program with JHU gives students from both campuses access to a faculty with numerous cinematic strengths and areas of expertise. As students gain skills in all aspects of making and distributing film—from budgeting and scouting to screenwriting and editing--electives allow them to build a focused area of study.

Program Overview

Students in the program work with a renowned faculty of professional filmmakers, and in addition to specific skills, students gain insight into the business of cinema and begin to build a professional network. Faculty at MICA includes Allen Moore, Emmy winning cinematographer for Ken and Ric Burns along with visiting film industry professionals. Collaboration with JHU gives students contact with such filmmakers as Matthew Porterfield, whose narrative films Hamilton, Putty Hill, and I Used to be Darker have received national acclaim. MICA also has a strong connection to the Maryland Film Festival, and throughout the year we co-host screenings, giving students access to visiting filmmakers. Coursework offers real-world experience as well, such as the Finding Our Wings Community Documentary program, where students collaborate on a documentary.

JHU-MICA Film Centre

Film Centre

MICA shares a new, state-of-the-art facility - the MICA-JHU Film Centre - with MICA's M.F.A. in Filmmaking program and JHU's undergraduate and graduate film and media programs.