Our faculty are leading artists and mentors. Get to know us.

MICA photography faculty bring diverse interests and creative focus to the classroom through a range of methodologies and technical processes. Our faculty are working artists, exhibiting broadly and are the recipients of numerous prestigious grants and fellowships.  We value mentorship and build close relationships with our students. Please explore below to learn more. 

Photography Faculty

Nate Larson

Nate Larson is the chairperson of the Photography Department. His artwork is widely shown across the US and internationally, including a commissioned solo exhibition at the George Eastman Museum in 2019.

Learn more about Nate Larson

Regina DeLuise

Regina DeLuise is a Guggenheim Fellow whose work is represented in private and public collections, including the Museum of Modern Art.

Learn more about Regina DeLuise

Jay Gould

Jay Gould integrates scientific topics into photographic projects and has won numerous national awards, including the Berenice Abbott Prize for an emerging photographer.

Learn more about Jay Gould

Alexander Heilner

Alexander Heilner uses photography to reveal the shifting relationships between the natural and human-built elements of our world. In 2012, he won the prestigious Baker Artist Award.

Learn more about Alexander Heilner

Lynn Silverman

Lynn Silverman has lived on three different continents and cultures, including a 2010 Fulbright Fellowship to the Czech Republic.

Learn more about Lynn Silverman

Part-Time Faculty

Penny Forester

Penny Forester ('08) earned an MFA in Photography and Electronic Media from MICA in 2008 and a BA at Towson University in 1998.

Kottie Gaydos

Kottie Gaydos ('10) earned an MFA at Cranbrook Academy of Art in 2016 and a BFA with MICA in 2010. She is also the Director of Operations, Curator, and Editor-in-Chief of Special Publications at the Detroit Center for Contemporary Photography.

Department Staff

Jefferson Jackson Steele

Jefferson Steele ('92) is the Photography Department Manager, responsible for the department facilities and equipment. Before rejoining MICA, he worked as a freelance photographer in Baltimore for many years, with clients like City Paper, Baltimore Business Journal, Metro Times Detroit, Philadelphia Weekly, and many others.

Sara R. Hill

Sara R. Hill ('15) is the Photography Department Assistant Manager. She received her BS from Middle Tennessee State University in 2013 and her MFA in Photographic and Electronic Media from MICA. Her recent exhibitions include Roman Susan Gallery in Chicago and Connersmith in Washington DC.

Heather Braxton

Heather Braxton ('16) is a Photography Lab Assistant. She earned her BA from Western Connecticut State University and her MFA in Photographic and Electronic Media at MICA with a certificate in the College Teaching of Art. After graduating, she was a resident artist at Mas Els Igols in Torrelles de Foix, Catalonia, Spain.

Emma Mattson

Emma Mattson is a Photography Lab Assistant. She earned her BFA from Towson University and is a Maryland based photographer and artist, specializing in portraiture and natural photography.

Rachel Guardiola

Rachel Guardiola ('15) is a Photography Lab Assistant. She received a MFA from MICA and BFA from RISD. Rachel has been an artist in residence at the Arctic Circle Art & Science Expedition, HEIMA, Vermont Studio Center, Aterlier de Visu, and A.I.R. Gallery Governors Island.

Emeritus Faculty

Emeritus Faculty have retired from full-time duties but continue to be involved in and resources for our community.

H. Thomas Baird

Tom Baird started teaching at MICA in 1974 and served as faculty in the Photography Department until he retired in 2017. He earned a MICA Board of Trustees Award for Excellence in Teaching. He currently lives in Baltimore County, Maryland.

Laurie S. Snyder

Laurie Snyder started teaching at MICA in 1993 and served as Department Chairperson from 2008 until she retired in 2012. She currently lives in Ithaca, New York.

Jack Wilgus

Jack Wilgus started teaching at MICA in 1968 and served as Department Chairperson for many years until he retired in 2008. He currently lives in Dallas, Texas.