Advising Resources

First Year Experience Student Advising

Because advising during the First Year Experience year is provided by an assigned faculty advisor, you have weekly contact with them, allowing for easy and regular communication of important information.

First Year Experience faculty advisors serve as a source for general questions and concerns about coursework, academic programs, campus life, and other issues.

This advising is supplemented by the First Year Experience Academic Advisor, who is a professional staff advisor who is in close contact with other campus resources, and is dedicated to working with first-year students on a broad range of student life and academic matters. The First Year Experience  Academic Advisor assists students with registration and scheduling, transfer credit and advanced placement, understanding first year requirements and degree programs.

The First Year Experience Academic Advisor’s office is located in the First Year Experience Department, Main 260, for quick and comfortable access. Feel free to stop by! 

Programs Just for First Year Students

Academic Advising coordinates programming on its own and in partnership with other offices that is specially designed for first-year students. Programs include transitioning to MICA, gaining self-awareness and self-management, involvement in your new community, and choosing a major. Attending and participating in programs is a great way to get to know MICA and resources that are available to you.

We're here to help.

Advising Services


Bunting Center 1401 W. Mount Royal 2nd Floor Baltimore, MD 21217
