Art Market Vendor Resources

Professional Development

Smart business practices are vital to all designers, artists, craftspeople, and entrepreneurs. Utilize this section to learn and expand your knowledge of creating your brand to be better prepared for MICA's Art Market and beyond. This section is primarily for students, but it is available to any vendor at MICA's Art Market.


Wholesale vs. Retail Pricing 

Wholesale :

(Materials + Labor) x 2 = Wholesale

Materials = Supplies, Overhead, Fees
Labor = Hourly Wage or What you would pay if you
needed to Hire someone


Wholesale x 2 = Retail
NOTE: This is just a GUIDELINE.

Do your research!

Compare the prices of your work to similar items sold at:

  • Local shops & boutiques
  • Craft Mafia, Made in Baltimore, etc.
  • Other Art & Craft Shows
  • Online shops like ETSY

Speak with faculty, group leaders, peers, art collectors, internship supervisors and other professionals for insight. For more helpful tools check out the Career Development Quick Links below. 

Selling to Customers 

Closing sales
  • Stand up
  • Engage customers
  • Tell a story
  • Share your inspiration
  • Sell other people’s work! It’s a joint effort!


You are responsible for paying your own income taxes. When self-employed, you must file and pay self-employment tax if net earnings are $400 or more in the state of Maryland. 


“the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form…” - US Copyright Office

Record Keeping

You are responsible for keeping a record of your business expenses and income. This is an important tool for paying your taxes, managing your business's budget, and growing your business. 

You can reference the Lynda link set for helpful videos to learn more about accounting and record keeping. 

Helpful Tools

First Time Participants Meeting Presentations 2019

Here you can find the Career Development and Strategic Communications Presentations from the First Time Participants Meeting!

Helpful Tools

Your Artist Tool Kit

Every artist, designer, creator, or innovator will work in a variety of different spaces throughout their career. It is up to that person to be as prepared as possible for any challenge or opportunity that presents itself in these different spaces.

Local Professional Development Workshops

Helpful Tools | Workshops

MDVLA: September Art Law Clinic

Saturday, September 14, 2019 | 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm | Motor House, 120 W North Ave, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA

Facebook Event Page

Career Development: Social Media Marketing Workshop

Wednesday, September 18, 2019 | 12 - 1 pm | Brown Center, BR 320

MDVLA: October Art Law Clinic

Saturday, October 12, 2019 | 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm | Gallery CA, 440 East Oliver Street, Baltimore, MD 21202

Career Development | Artist U: Building Your Platform Workshop

Artist U: Building Your Platform Workshop on Saturday, November 9th focuses on long-term planning, generating opportunities, and managing time. This is specifically geared towards alumni and working artists. Space is very limited so the event can be conversational.

MDVLA: November Art Law Clinic

Saturday, November 16, 2019 | 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm | Baltimore Creatives Acceleration Network (BCAN), 1200 Mount Royal Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21217

Art Market Manager

Emma Jo Shatto


Bunting Center 1401 W. Mt Royal Avenue 350 Baltimore, MD 21217