
Duo 2 Factor

Duo two-factor authentication adds an important, extra layer of security to your MICA account.

When it comes to account security, it is best to protect with both something you know (your password) and something you have (Duo with your phone or mobile app). This second factor of authentication is separate from your username and password- Duo never sees your password. 

Remember, the information you are protecting is your own. 
These measures protect you.

Using two-factor authentication prevents unauthorized access to your account even if your password is compromised, because you will be promoted by Duo if there is a suspicious login attempt. If this occurs, contact the Help Desk immediately. 

Two-factor authentication will be required when you first log into a system or use a new device. You can select to remember your device for 30 days after which it will again be required. For MICA staff or faculty whose job require access to student, faculty or staff personal information, two-factor authentication will take place every 7 days. 



Systems  Duo will be Prompted Duo will NOT be prompted Notes
myMICA Portal X
WebCheckout X
Adobe CC X
Office 365 X X
GET Platform X
PeopleSoft CS X
PeopleSoft HCM X
eMaint X
Big Tree CMS X
Google Apps X Google Apps includes MICA email and will be enabled with Duo during Summer of 2019. You can turn on Google's two-factor authentication by following these instructions: Link to External Google Site
Canvas X
TimeForce and Cornerstone X Both of these systems will be replaced by Workday in June 2019