
Get Online

When it comes to internet speed, we get it - every little bit counts.

Students living in all the dormitories have high-speed internet access. Your computer needs to have an ethernet or wireless adapter installed in order to access the network. In some dormitories, people can use an ethernet cable to connect a computer to MICA's ethernet. Technology will provide information and assistance to all incoming students living in campus housing to ensure that they can connect to the network. All public, administrative, and classroom computers on campus are also connected to the network for internet access.

MICA's Wireless Networks

MICA has four distinct wireless networks; each network serves a valuable purpose.

  • MICA Open wireless:  this network is designed for on-campus usage by MICA students, faculty, and staff; this network is accessible with a password; users can contact the Help Desk at 410-225-2201 / for assistance in getting logged into this network.  Because this network doesn't require the user to enter the network password every time the network is accessed, this is the recommended wireless network for students on campus.

  • MICA Residential wireless:  this wireless network is similar to the MICA Open wireless, but was set up for people who stay in MICA residence halls.  This is the recommended wireless network for MICA students who are staying in school housing.  Users can contact the Help Desk at 410-225-2201 / for assistance in getting logged into this network.

  • MICA wireless: this network is only accessible to members of the MICA community. Log in is achieved by providing an active MICA username and password.

  • MICA Guest wireless: this network was created for parents, visitors, visiting artists, and is accessible to any user on campus.

The recommended networks for usage are the Residential and Open networks. These networks only require you to enter the password for login the first time a user is accessing the network.

People should contact the Help Desk if they need password assistance in logging into MICA's wireless networks.

Students should contact the Help Desk at 410-225-2201 / if they have any questions, or if their computer has any problems accessing the internet.

There are humans behind this technology and we're here to help.

Division of Technology


Bunting Center 1401 W. Mount Royal 3rd Floor Baltimore, MD 21217