Community Art Collaborative

CAC Alumni in the News

Check out all the exciting things that alumni of the CAC program are involved with.

Many alumni of the CAC program have gotten involved with incredible projects and programs around Baltimore, and around the country! We will be updating this page shortly, with a list of links about CAC alumni that have been featured in the news, and what our alumni are up to today. Many CAC Alumni have gone on to join their CAC Sites as full-time staff, or now run non-profit organizations of their own. Some have also won prestigious grants awards, including the Open Society Institute Fellowship grant. If you are a CAC alumnus and would like to be included in this page, please contact Sarah Edelsburg, CAC Program Manager, at or 410-225-4264.

CAC Alumni in the News

CAC Alumni Serving as CAC Supervisors in 2018-2019

Many CAC alumni have joined the staff at our CAC Host Sites, and now supervise CAC members in the 2018-19 Program Year! This is very exciting for the program, since it helps to develop a tight-knit network of community arts practitioners in Baltimore City.  

  • Sarah Tooley (CAC 2008-09) and Nathan Paluzzi (CAC 2015-19) - 901 Arts
  • Nora Howell (CAC 2009-10), Kim Loper (CAC 2015-16) and Catherine Leberg (CAC 2017-18) - Jubilee Arts
  • Sara Kaltwasser (CAC 2016-17) and McKinley Wallace (CAC 2016-17) - Access Art
  • Laura Cohen (CAC 2007-09) - OpenWorks
  • Hannah Brancato (CAC 2008-10) - FORCE / The Monument Quilt
  • Moira Fratantuono (CAC 2008-09) and David Sloan (CAC 2007-08) - Wide Angle Youth Media