
Finance Questions & Help

Q: What is a Fiscal Year?

A: MICA operates on an annual "fiscal year" (not a calendar year), that runs from June 1–May 31.

Q: What is the Accounts Payable (AP) Processing Schedule?

A: Check requests are cut once per week and are required to be approved in Workday by Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m.

Requests marked with "HOLD" handling code are available on Mondays by 12:00 p.m. in the AP Office. Checks not marked for pick-up will be mailed directly to the supplier/payee.

Q: How should I send AP requests to the Finance Office?

A: See: Who Do You Need to Pay (PDF)

Q: What forms do I need to get this vendor or person paid?

A: It depends on who you need to pay; refer to the Who Do You Need to Pay on how to pay.

Q: What is the process for requesting money in my budget for new positions, increases, etc.?

A: There is an annual budget process in place at MICA in which budget requests are considered. Two key points in the process are established for additional funding considerations. The first is during the spring term when the upcoming fiscal year budgets are being prepared and approved by the VPs. The second is during the summer and early fall term when the VPs have historically considered additional spending as a result of higher than budgeted enrollments.

Please feel free to contact Brigitte Sullivan (x2209 or for budget adjustments with current allotted funds, but all new/increased funding requests must go through your division manager/VP for consideration. Salary increases, new positions, department increases, etc. cannot be added to the budget without the proper approval process.

Q: How do I request a journal entry?

A: To correct a transaction that was posted incorrectly, contact Joyce Uhm (x2502 or Journal entries can be e-mailed directly to Joyce, or send the signed hard copy. The same email or signature authorization rules apply to JEs as do with other AP payments. 

Q: How do I Request a Cash Advance?

A: Spend authorization requests must be approved in Workday by Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. to receive a check on Monday of the following week. 

All cash advance questions should be directed to Lucy Gitaka (x4256 or

Q: How are Stipends handled?

A: All stipends should be requested using Request for Semester Pay in Workday.

Q: Where do I send deposits?

A: Send or hand deliver all deposits to Danielle Bowly (x2212 or in the Student Accounts office (Bunting 240). Please hand-deliver all cash deposits.

Q: What is the current MICA mileage reimbursement?

A: As of January 1, 2019 the standard mileage rate for use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) is 58 cents per mile for business miles driven. Mileage rates populate automatically in Workday Expense Reports.

Q: Who do I contact about M&T Corporate Card issues?

A: Contact Michelle Lee (x5271 or Discuss M&T Centresuite issues, fraudulent activity, new/replacement card requests, and cancellations with Michelle Lee.

Q: Who do I contact about MICA's Amazon Business Prime account?

A:  Submit all Amazon Business Prime related questions to Karie Bowman (x2573 or

Q: How does Petty Cash work?

A: MICA will reimburse small purchases (under $100 and no meals) via petty cash in the Student Accounts office. To request reimbursement, you'll need to complete a Petty Cash Voucher with attached receipts, have it signed by an authorized signer in your department, and bring it over to the Student Accounts office.

Staff Contact Information

Staff Member Responsibilities
Associate VP of Finance & Business Affairs
Oversees Accounting, Budget, Payroll and Student Account Services.
Karie Bowman
Controller or x2573
Oversees all accounting operations
Accounting & financial reporting
Audit management
Compliance work - tax returns
Brigitte Sullivan
Budget Director or x2209
Operating & Capital Budget
Institutional budget process
Existing budget allocation adjustments
Budget/P.O. portal access & signature authorization
Setup new operating budget dept codes and program codes
Jim Zablosky
Associate Budget Director or x2208
Operating & Capital Budget
Financial reporting & analysis
Technology Projects Manager

Supports functional systems and reporting for HR, Finance, Student Account Services, and Operations as well as interdepartmental technology projects and initiatives.
Melissa Buckingham
Director of Payroll or X2123
Oversees Payroll
International Payee Independent Contractor Determination
Tuition Remission forms
Karen Mills
Senior AP/Payroll Specialist (A-K) or x2210
AP/Payroll processing (A-K of alphabet)
Vendor credit applications
Void/reissue check requests
Enters faculty contracts
Karen Jones
AP Payroll Specialist (L-Z) or x2213
AP/Payroll processing (L-Z of alphabet)
Vendor credit applications
Void/reissue check requests
Lucy Gitaka
Assistant Controller x4256
Cash advances
1099 reporting
AmeriCorps reporting
Accounting & financial reporting
Michelle Lee
Senior Accountant or x5271
M&T card expense report processing and administration
(M&T Centresuite maintenance, new cards, cancellations, fraudulent activity)
Info. on Federal tax ID, W-9, Duns, sales tax exemption,
copies of 990 or tax returns, etc.
Joyce Uhm
Staff Accountant or x2502
Journal entries
Records auxiliary revenue - Postal Ops, Store, Library, etc.
Student Account Services
Robinson Hernandez
Director of Student Accounts or x4116
Oversees all Student Accounts operations
David Zeit
Associate Director of Student Accounts or x2356
Petty Cash
Danielle Bowly
Student Accounts Coordinator or x2212
Departmental deposits