
Alumni Card

Have you left MICA? That doesn't mean losing Decker Library. These are our Alumni Card policies.

Alumni, as well as the general public, are welcome to use Decker Library resources for art research purposes on-site. If alumni would like to continue checking out material, including books and items from the Film and Video Collection, an alumni card may be purchased for $25 per year.

Unfortunately, due to contract restrictions, alumni are not able to access Decker Library databases, ebooks, image assets, or streaming video off-site.

Renewals for alumni require a phone call, email, or in-person visit to Access Services. Renewals cannot be made online. Contact Access Services at or 410-225-2272.

Borrowing Privileges for Alumni Card Holders:

  • 15 total items
  • 5 total books, check out period of 3 weeks
  • Book renewals: 3 before materials need to come back to the library for further renewals
  • 5 total Film & Video Collection items, check out period of 2 weeks
  • Film & Video Collection renewals: 3 before materials need to come back to the library for further renewals