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Printing & Scanning

At Decker, our printing and scanning tech is up-to-date and easy-to-use.

There are three ways to print at Decker Library:

  1. From any of our public computers
  2. From your laptop
  3. From your mobile device

Printing costs $0.50 per page for color or black-and-white printouts, whether 8.5 x 11 inches or 11 x 17 inches. Only white printer paper is available for printing in the library. Payment should be made using your MICARD Flex Account.

Due to the volume of printing and lack of calibrated printers, text printing works best in the library. We suggest printing any art and design-related material at the Art Tech Center. The following are links to our printing procedures.


There are three ways you can add money to your Flex Account:

  1. Visit MICA GET and sign in with your MICA username and password or login as guest.
  2. Email studentaccounts@mica.edu to transfer a credit balance form your student account to flex account.
  3. Visit or call the Student Accounts office to pay by cash, check, or overseas credit/debit card.

You can contact and visit Student Accounts at:

Bunting Center, 2nd floor, Suite 240
1401 W. Mount Royal Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21217

Monday through Friday: 8:30am-5:00pm

Phone: 410-225-2356
Fax: 410-669-1030

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