
Research Consultations

Stuck? We'll help.

Librarians are here to help you with your research, no matter where you are in the process. We're happy to meet you anywhere on or near campus. 

Whether you're just getting started on a topic for a paper or studio work, or you're ready for a deep dive, we're here for you.

Research Help Desk

Librarians are available at the Research Help desk (located on the lower level of the library) seven days per week during the following hours when the academic semester is in session:

Monday through Friday: 12pm-6pm

Friday: 12pm-4:30pm

Saturday and Sunday: 12pm-6pm

You can also email us any time or meet one on one with your librarian

Find Your Librarian

Add Depth To Your Work

Help find greater depth in your art by asking your librarian for a research consultation.

Your specially appointed librarian will help you with your papers and your studio work.