
MICA Parents

When your student attends MICA, you become part of a MICA Family!

MICA parents and family members are an important part of a successful MICA experience for students. The Office of Parent Engagement helps you stay connected to the college by providing services, programs and resources designed to keep you informed and engaged.

Through events, communications, volunteer opportunities and the Parents Fund, our team is continually building relationships and creating avenues for parents to feel informed, connected and involved in the life of the school and its advancement.

Our team is here to be a resource for you so that you can, in turn, be a good resource for your student and help them make the most of the art school experience.

Welcome MICA Parents!

On behalf of the Parents Council, welcome to MICA's 19/20 year! 

My son Rafael Rodriguez-Sanchez is a Junior (2021) in the Fiber Development department at MICA. Over the last 3 years I have had the privilege to see MICA’s caring and holistic approach toward the development of engaged artists that want to become citizens of the world. Serving on the Parents Council is a small way to pay back the investment the MICA community is making on my son’s growth and development.  From the very beginning is was noticeable that MICA truly welcomes parents’ engagement. 

The Parent Council is a vibrant part of the MICA community that serves as a bridge between parents and the greater MICA community.  We act as advocates for both MICA student’s success and MICA's mission. It is a great way to be actively involved in the community and setting a leadership example through philanthropic support. 

While a sense of community is vitally important for our students, the MICA Parents Council also works closely with the Office of Parent Engagement to foster strong bonds among MICA families. I see myself as a conduit between MICA families, their students, and the administration to stay connected and share relevant and important information about the MICA experience.

Again, welcome to MICA, I look forward to serving you!

Liza Sanchez P'21

MICA Parents Council Chair

COVID-19 Housing Update 3/12/2020

Help Support MICA Today!

Parent & family philanthropy plays a crucial role in building and shaping an exemplary educational experience for MICA students. Parents & families support students through internships and career opportunities and through financial contributions that impact all areas of student life.

Office of Parent Relations

MICA Parent Relations

