MICA Parents

Welcome Message to First Year Parents

Welcome Message to First Year Parents from Parents Council Chair, Liza Sanchez P'21

On behalf of the Parents Council, welcome to MICA!

We are delighted that your child has chosen to be part of the MICA community for what we hope will be a time of discovery and personal growth. As a fellow MICA parent (my son Rafael is a rising third year BFA student in the Fiber Program), I understand that the transition to college life is both an exciting and challenging process for the parents and families, as well as for new students.

Whether you are a new or returning MICA parent, you are important members of the MICA community and we want to provide you with connections and opportunities that will enable you to be involved in supporting your students success.

As new first year parents or transfer parents, I would also encourage you to think about joining our Parents Council. The Parents Council is a vibrant part of the MICA community that serves as a bridge between parents and the greater MICA community.  We are different from other colleges in that we are much more than a fundraising arm. We are a vibrant community of parents fully engaged with the institution and its mission. Joining the Council is a great way to be actively involved representing the first year MICA parent community and setting a leadership example through philanthropic support.

While a sense of community is vitally important for our students, the MICA Parents Council also works closely with the Office of Parent Engagement to foster strong bonds among MICA families. If you are interested in joining the Parents Council, please feel free to contact parentrelations@mica.edu.

Again, welcome to MICA, I look forward to seeing you in the fall, and wish you the very best during this exciting time!


Warm regards,

Liza Sanchez P'21

MICA Parents Council Chair