Family Guide

Your First-Year Student: Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

How can my student find out if she or he is meeting a faculty member's academic expectations?

Students are encouraged to speak directly with faculty if they are uncertain about the grading process, how they are doing in a class, or other concerns including incomplete assignments or multiple absences. Encourage your student to talk with the professor before or after class in these situations instead of the student waiting to hear from the faculty member. Some faculty members mail academic warning notices to students if they are not doing well by the midpoint in the semester. Final grades are posted online at the end of the semester.

What if my student doesn't get along with his or her roommate?

In the case of serious roommate conflicts, the Office of Residence Life and Off-Campus Housing will initially bring all of the residents together for a roommate mediation. If the mediation is not successful, the Residence Life staff will make every attempt to identify other solutions, including roommate switches. However, please be aware that residence halls are typically at full capacity and options for switching rooms may be limited.

How does my student's meal plan work?

In general, students are able to use their meal plan at the Meyerhoff House Dining facility, Café Doris in the Fox Building, or at the Gateway Café. Five meal options are offered each day, from early morning breakfast to late night dining, so your student can eat according to his or her schedule. Students should choose which meals they will eat since they have a limited number of meals on their meal plan. If your student runs out of meals, they can contact Student Accounts to determine how many more meals are required for the semester, and then you can place additional meals on your student's account. For more information about the MICA meal plan, please contact Parkhurst Dining Services at 410-225-2577.

Does MICA discuss safe city living with students?

The Office of Campus Safety provides information during Orientation to help students learn about living in an urban environment. In addition, the Office of Campus Safety and the Office of Student Affairs provide timely information via email on any patterns of crimes that take place on campus or in the Bolton Hill neighborhood to help students take appropriate safety precautions. Students are encouraged to take full advantage of the shuttle that provides transportation between campus buildings and student housing each evening. For more information on the shuttle, contact Transportation Services at 410-225-2340.

How can my student become more involved and connected on campus?

The Student Affairs Office is a good place for your student to learn about the many options of becoming involved on campus-whether attending a large MICA student function or getting connected with a smaller student organization. The Community Arts Partnerships office also offers opportunities for students to volunteer in the Baltimore community, another great way to meet people and become connected to other students and the larger community.

What happens if my son or daughter becomes ill while at MICA?

Each student pays a health services fee that allows him or her to receive medical attention at MICA Student Health Services health care center, located on Mount Royal Avenue across from Founders Green. If your son or daughter is too ill to walk over to the healthcare center, she or he can contact the residence hall front desk and ask for Campus Safety to provide transportation. If your student is urgently ill during the evening, she or he should go to the nearest hospital emergency room. Campus Safety can also assist in transporting your student to the hospital, but cannot stay and wait for the student to be seen. Students are urged to bring a roommate or other friend in the case of an emergency room visit.

Can my daughter or son receive an immediate cash-advance  in the case of a dire financial need?

Students can receive an urgent cash advance from Student Account Services if their account has a positive balance. You can wire money to Student Account Services to help your son or daughter in this type of situation.