Our Core Values of Respect, Community, and Equality ground our commitment to providing a campus free from sexual misconduct and gender-based discrimination. It affects every fiber of the community and hinders our mission.

Creating an environment free from sexual misconduct and discrimination is the responsibility of all MICA community members. Therefore all MICA employees have the responsibility to notify the Title IX team if they are made aware of any acts of sexual misconduct.

The MICA Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination Policy (pdf) can be found at http://www.mica.edu/equal_opportunity/.

Understanding Sexual Misconduct

Sexual misconduct is a term used to describe conduct of a sexual nature that is prohibited including but not limited to: sexual harassment, nonconsensual sexual intercourse, nonconsensual touching over and under clothing, forced penetration, sexual exploitation, relationship violence, and stalking.

Acts of sexual misconduct may be committed by any person upon any other person, regardless of the sex, gender, sexual orientation and/or gender identity of those involved.


On campus confidential reporting can ONLY be done through the Counseling Center and Student Health Services and by the individual(s) involved. Any report from another person to a faculty or staff member must be reported to Title IX promptly. The Title IX Team includes:

Incidents of sexual harassment and gender based violence should be reported to a member of the Title IX Team. We will use discretion and protect the privacy of all persons involved in complaints of sexual misconduct. If you would like additional support or information about these conversations, please contact a member of the Title IX Team.

Making a Report

To make a report you may reach out via phone, email, or stopping by our offices.  Please DO NOT include the information of the report in an email. Instead, please reach out letting us know you have to make a report and we will contact you back as soon as possible.

Additionally, if you need to make a report during non-business hours, you can contact Campus Saftey.

Obligations of College Employees

Federal Law and MICA Policy requires that all reports of sexual misconduct be reported to either the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator. This means all disclosures of sexual misconduct shared with a "Responsible Employee" must be reported to the Title IX Office. A "Responsible Employee" includes all MICA administrators, supervisors, faculty members, campus safety, and resident assistants. The only exceptions are the Counseling Center and Student Health Services.

A Responsible Employee who receives a report of sexual misconduct must promptly notify the TItle IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, or Title IX Specialist of the report.

The Title IX team works collaboratively with the reporting entity and makes every effort to operate with discretion and maintain the privacy of all persons involved.


All MICA employees are required to complete Mandatory Reporting training every year. Future training dates and ways to sign up will be posted here as they are scheduled.

Additionally, please find a PDF of the presentation here for your reference. 

Remember: SMART Conversations


  • Determine if the individual feels safe (physically and emotionally)
  • Inform the individual about resources like Campus Safety and interim measures like changes to their academic schedule, living arrangements, and No Contact Orders


  • Inform students of resources such as the Counseling Center, Student Health Center, and
    SAFE exams available at Mercy Hospital


  • What can you do to help?
  • What do they need from you right now?


  • Explain that you will have to report and to whom that will go. Explain you will only share this information with whom it is necessary (Title IX Coordinator or Title IX Deputy Coordinator)


  • Be there for the individual. Help them find resources and what they need.

Supporting someone who reports to you:


  • Put them at ease
  • Tell them you believe what they are saying
  • Mirror their language and body language
  • Validate their feelings about the experience
  • Remember everyone handles trauma differently
  • Express admiration and courage for them trusting you with this information, thank them for sharing with you
  • Take care of yourself


  • Question the validity of the person's claims
  • Seem cold or unapproachable
  • Make excuses for the perpetrator or blame the victim
  • Tell the person what they "must do" - let the person decide what's right for them
  • Minimize the assault - no one type of assault is worse or more legitimate than another
  • Question why the person has come to you now, even if it has been months or years
  • Shoulder this alone

Example Responses:

"It sounds like you're going to share something really difficult with me. Before you do, I need to let you know that as a member of this community I am required to report acts of sexual misconduct to Title IX in order to protect our community, including you. If you want to talk this through confidentially, let's find some time for you to meet with someone at the counseling center because they don't have to share anything unless they are worried about harm to yourself or others."

"Thank you for trusting me with this information. First of all, I want you to know that I believe what you are telling me. I need to let you know that as a member of this community I am required to this to Title IX in order to protect our community, including you. Part of my responsibility in that is a requirement to report something of this nature to our campus Title IX Coordinator/Deputy Coordinator/Specialist. Before I do that, you have choices. Let's look at your options and resources and see what is best for you right now."

Helpful Links

Why is Sexual Assault Under Reported?


Alcohol and Drug Facilitated Sexual Assaults

Sex and Healthy Relationships

Dating Violence Fact Sheet

Sexual Harassment Fact Sheet

Resources and Reporting Options for Sexual Misconduct and Gender Based Violence

Policy Quick Links

Policies on Sexual Harassment. Sexual Misconduct, Consent, Consensual Relationships, Stalking and Intimate Partner Violence, Alcohol and Drug Amnesty can be found in Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination.