Center for Art Education

MFACA First Year Show

First year MFA in Community Arts students present work in the Fox 3 Gallery through March 2 with an opening reception on Fri Feb. 21 from 5-7pm.

The MFA in Community Arts (MFACA) program consists of a diverse group of artists interested in building sustainable relationships in and beyond Baltimore through art and social justice praxis.  The Community Arts program is housed at MICA PLACE, the program's satellite campus in East Baltimore.  The goal of MFACA is to work dialogically with local leaders; to realize projects that reflect the community's interests, dreams, and needs for their respective neighborhoods; and to nurture the artistic vision of its MFA candidates as a vehicle for empowering change.  Join us on Friday, February 21 at the opening of MICA PLACE: The East Side of Things, Fox 3 Gallery, 5-7 PM.  The projects included in the exhibition are inspired by the Toxic Tour, a two-hour-long bus tour of East Baltimore, led by community urban environmental activist Glenn Ross, that raises awareness of place-based, social and environmental issues (e.g. resident displacement, environmental hazards, lack of appreciation for local talents and cultures, etc.). The show will run February 21-March 2. The included community art pieces offer a glimpse into the ongoing partnerships that MFACA students have developed with East Baltimore residents and organizations over the past semester.