Study Abroad & Exchange

Application Procedures and Deadlines

Deadlines and Application Procedures

Please note that you must submit all required application materials accurately by the appropriate MICA deadline and meet the criteria for study abroad or your application will not be considered. You can only apply to one program and participate for one semester - unless you get the written approval from your major faculty chair and academic adviser for an additional semester.  All students are required to apply to a MICA approved semester program.  Students wishing to study abroad during the summer will be required to meet with Mike Rini, Assistant Director, Education Abroad, to discuss programming options.

There is no guarantee that the Office of International Education (OIE) can or will approve your study abroad application due to factors outside of our control.  Some programs have limited space and can be quite competitive.  All decisions will be made by the OIE and the respective review committee shortly after the initial deadline.   If the Office of International Education approves your application, we will send a nomination to the program's administration to support you as a candidate.  You will then be permitted to apply directly to your respective program.  A detailed acceptance email will be sent to you on how to proceed with this process shortly after the OIE decision.  Additionally, we will offer full support throughout the semester to ensure that you are successful with all phases of the application and the post-acceptance process.

Please be aware that MICA has no control over the duration of a host institution's acceptance process. Many reach decisions within several weeks or a month; however, others, particularly direct exchange programs, may take longer.  


September 15 All spring semester study abroad and AICAD mobility programs.
March 1 All fall semester study abroad and AICAD mobility programs.
May 7

All external (non-MICA) summer study abroad programs.

You may obtain the application link from International Education after first completing group advising.

All application materials must be submitted online to the Office of International Education by the deadline or your application will not be considered. The online application system will close at 11:59 p.m. on the date of the deadline.

Your host institution will notify you and/or the Office of International Education of the admissions decision. Then, you will confirm your plans with our office and attend pre-departure orientation. At this point, you will be in direct communication with your host program or school and will work with them on things like housing, visas, courses, and arrival information.

Students must participate in MICA affiliated semester programs. Students who do not receive approval through MICA for semester study abroad and/or who take a leave of absence will not receive credit at MICA for courses taken abroad during that leave, even if it is a MICA affiliated program. This includes international students who return to their home country and take classes at an institution there.

All outgoing study abroad students will attend a pre-departure workshop to discuss critical information. Students will also have secondary paperwork to turn in, such as Health Forms and Waivers. Pre-departure orientation is required for all study abroad participants