Total credits for a concentration in Sequential Art: 15.0

The following concentration plan is for the 2018-19 academic year.

Course Title
Course # Credits
Sequential Art IL 272 3.0
Advanced Sequential Art* IL 372 3.0
Choose three of the following courses:    
Animation Pre-Production AN 345 3.0
2D Character Animation AN 364 3.0
Reading/Writing Graphic Narratives CWRT 410 3.0
Narrative Filmmaking I FILM 237 3.0
Narrative Filmmaking II FILM 337 3.0
The Art of Sci-Fi Production GFA 324 3.0
Moving Pictures GFA 332 3.0
Themes and Narratives GFA 340 3.0
Typography I GD 201 3.0
Typography II GD 221 3.0
Motion Graphics GD 368 3.0
Generative Typography GD 405 3.0
Studio Remix: Storyboards IL 203 3.0
Studio Remix: Narrative Color (Digital) IL 203H 3.0
Character Design IL 228 3.0
Narrative: Words and Pictures IL 230 3.0
Digital Illustration IL 238 3.0
Handletters IL 254 3.0
Book Illustration IL 266 3.0
Advanced Character Design IL 328 3.0
Advanced Digital Illustration IL 338 3.0
Advanced Book Illustration IL 366 3.0
Narrative Strategies PH 375 3.0
Storytelling and Mythmaking PT 310 3.0
Personal Narrative PT 372 3.0

*Capstone: In order to finish the concentration the students will have to complete (write/draw/color/letter) an artistically accomplished and engaging visual narrative. This will consist of a printed story, completed, at least 20 pages in length, and will be completed within the Advanced Sequential Art course.