Student Consumer Information

The following links are provided to help prospective and current students quickly locate key information about various aspects of MICA.

This central location of information was designed to meet federal reporting and disclosure requirements of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) enacted on August 14, 2008.

Academic Information

Post-graduate Activities (The MICA Class of 2018 Alumni Survey was completed in August 2019)

MICA Undergraduate Alumni
(322 of 421 students surveyed responded - 76%)

~ 87% of MICA undergraduate alumni respondents reported that they were employed (Full time, Part time & Self-Employed).

~ 75% were working in a field related to their program of study.

~ 8% were participating in graduate study.

MICA Graduate Alumni
(161 of 179 students surveyed responded - 90%)

~ 89% of MICA graduate alumni respondents reported that they were employed (Full time, Part time & Self-Employed).

~ 87% were working in a field related to their program of study.

6% were participating in graduate study.

Student Persistence: Comparative Retention and Graduation Rates

Persistence, 2019

*The updated MICA retention rate is the percentage of Fall 2017 first-time, full-time freshmen who returned Fall 2018; for the national average, it is the percentage of Fall 2016 first-time, full-time freshmen who returned Fall 2017.

**The graduation rate is the percentage of Fall 2012 first-time, full-time freshmen who graduated after six-years (through 8/31/2018).

Sources: National Student Clearinghouse (national average retention rate from 2017) and the National Center for Educational Statistics (national average graduation rate for Fall 2011 first-time, full-time undergraduates).

Additional Six-Year Graduation Rate Information Specific to MICA

By Gender
    Male 71%     Female 69%

By Race/Ethnicity
    Asian 74%    Black 73%    Hispanic 63%    International 71%   
    Other 64%    Unknown 100%    White 70%

For Pell Grant Recipients 